“India-Maldives Social Media Row: PM Modi’s Visit Triggers Controversy”


In an unexpected twist of events. The diplomatic ties between india maldives modi have hit a rough patch following social media posts by Maldivian leaders. Which were triggered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the picturesque Lakshadweep archipelago. The visit, seemingly aimed at boosting tourism in the Indian islands, has resulted in a war of words on social media, revealing underlying tensions between the two nations.

Controversial Social Media Posts:

Prime Minister Modi’s social media posts. Showcasing his activities such as snorkeling in Lakshadweep. Inadvertently led to a controversy as Indian users suggested the Union Territory as an attractive alternative to the Maldives for tourists. This seemingly harmless social media exchange escalated quickly when Maldivian ministers used derogatory language against PM Modi, accusing India of targeting the Maldives and claiming that India faces challenges in competing with the Maldives in beach tourism.

Former Maldives President’s Condemnation:

Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed strongly condemned these comments, urging the incumbent President Mohamed Muizzu to clarify that the ministers’ remarks did not reflect government policy. Nasheed, in a post on social media, expressed his concern over the use of appalling language by Maldivian government official Mariyam Shiuna towards a key ally like India, emphasizing India’s role in the security and prosperity of the Maldives.

india maldives modi

Maldives Government’s Response:

Hours later, the Maldives government released a statement, asserting that the comments made by the ministers were personal opinions and did not represent the official stance of the Maldivian government. The statement highlighted the government’s commitment to freedom of expression while emphasizing the need for responsible communication that does not jeopardize the close relationships between the Maldives and its international partners.

Complexities in India-Maldives Relations:

The strained relations between India and Maldives in recent months have added a layer of complexity to this social media controversy. President Mohamed Muizzu. Who came to power pledging changes. Including a reduction in the number of Indian military personnel in the Maldives. Has been steering the nation towards a shift in its foreign policy, leaning more towards China.

Geopolitical Shift Towards China:

Muizzu’s upcoming visit to China. As announced by the Chinese foreign ministry. Indicates a pro-China tilt in the Maldives’ diplomatic approach. This is a departure from the usual protocol where Maldives’ leaders historically visited India first, followed by China. The geopolitical dynamics in the Indian Ocean Region have seen China expanding its influence in the Maldives through significant investments in infrastructure projects.

Impact on India’s Initiatives:

The strain ties between India and the Maldives were further exacerbated when Muizzu requested the withdrawal of 77 Indian military personnel from the Maldives. And initiat a review of more than 100 bilateral agreements between the two nations. These developments have added a layer of complexity to India’s initiatives such as SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) and the ‘Neighbourhood-First Policy.’

Diplomatic Efforts:

In a bid to address the growing tension. Muizzu and PM Modi met in Dubai in December 2023, agreeing to establish a core group to discuss and deepen multidimensional relations. However. The recent social media controversy has cast a shadow over these diplomatic efforts. With India expressing concerns about the use of derogatory language by Maldivian officials.

Tourism Dependency:

The social media war. Sparked by PM Modi’s seemingly innocent posts, has exposed the fragility of diplomatic relations and the interconnectedness of the two nations. Especially in the realm of tourism. The Maldives heavily relies on tourism. And India is a significant contributor to its tourism market. In 2023, over 209,000 trips were made by Indian tourists to the Maldives. Constituting approximately 11% of the nation’s tourism market.

Social Media Backlash:

The derogatory remarks made by Maldivian officials have triggered a backlash from Indian holidaymakers. With some sharing screenshots of canceled trips to the Maldives under the hashtag #BoycottMaldives. The controversy has prompted influential voices in India. Including Bollywood actors and cricket players. To appeal to fellow citizens to consider local destinations like Lakshadweep for their vacations, using the hashtag #ChaloLakshadweep (Let’s go to Lakshadweep).

The travel industry has also respond. With Indian travel sites. Including EaseMyTrip, deciding to boycott the Maldives amidst the growing tension. EaseMyTrip announced the suspension of flight bookings to the Maldives as a show of solidarity with the nation.

The Confederation of All India Traders. One of India’s prominent trade bodies. Has urged its members to suspend business with the Maldives until an apology is issued or remedial measures are ensured. The economic repercussions of this diplomatic spat are becoming apparent, reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

Maldives Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer, in an X post. Acknowledged the unacceptable nature of the remarks made by officials and emphasized the archipelago’s commitment to fostering a positive and constructive dialogue with its partners.

Ongoing Diplomatic Turbulence:

As the diplomatic turbulence continues. The impact on both nations remains to be seen. The social media war. Sparked by a seemingly innocuous tourism promotion. Has exposed deeper geopolitical fault lines and has left both india maldives modi and the Maldives grappling with the consequences of a strained relationship. The coming weeks will likely witness diplomatic efforts to mend ties and address the concerns that have arisen from this unexpected turn of events.

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